DVine Designs

We’re a Veteran woman owned clothing & accessories design business.

Why Choose Us?

We are a clothing and accessories design business dedicated to connecting with our clients and building emotional bonds with our audience not only in the happy moments of life,but in the tough ones when they need to see that others support and challenge them to set goals and strive to inspire the masses. 

We are a veteran Owned business. So we aim set the bar and excel at providing the best quality products. 

We have a variety of clothing and accessories as well as fill custom requests. 

About Us

Brittany Dowell

store owner

Hello, my name is Brittany. I am an Army Veteran, wife , and mother to a 2 yr old son. In 2014, my husband and I were hit head on by a drunk driver. My husband got a traumatic brain injury.  I started my business to allow me to have what I see as the most important thing. (Time freedom)

I studied design at itt technical institute.  My designs are a combination of good and bad life moments. 



Blanchard, Idaho, USA